Hello! How are you? I am Ana Pfefferkorn, graphic designer specialized in communication strategies.

About me

I am a graphic designer from FADU UBA. I took many courses and workshops that allow me to have varied tools to face each challenge.

Some of the courses and workshops I took: Black and White Photography and Laboratory, Manual Color Developing, Photography and Digital Editing, Classical and Chinese Embroidery, Handmade Screen Printing and Textile Basket Weaving.
my style
I love taking things apart to understand how they work and fix them.​
Why is that important?​

Because wanting to understand how things work and why made me methodical, analytical and neat to be able to do it. I am very curious and I like to be in a constant state of learning. That is why any project I undertake will be done with passion and commitment.

my work
I am passionate about problem solving, so I compulsively accumulate knowledge and tools to be able to approach each project from various approaches.​

I choose the words of Guillermo Brea in BrandBook to illustrate the approach I take to approach a project of this type: 

“Branding is not an intervention, it is the structural and structuring decision to strategically manage identity, listen to the market and work on communication in a systematic and consistent manner with the objective of generating differentiation”

“To do branding we need professionals who break the limits; who, in addition to solving problems, make decisions, and who not only go beyond the operational dimension to enter the executive dimension, but also access the strategic and political dimension.

Además de diseñadora gráfica soy programadora desde 2017 lo que permite fusionar ambos campos para ofrecer soluciones a cada cliente. El objetivo es que el resultado final sea tanto útil, como coherente, como funcional.

Trabajo en comunicación en Redes Sociales desde 2010. Me especializo en creación de estrategias de comunicación, búsqueda de tono y posicionamiento y planificación abordada desde una posición holística tomando en consideración el universo de la marca y sus objetivos comerciales

Soy fotógrafa desde 2009. Realicé talleres de visión, iluminación en estudio, fotografía digital, laboratorio blanco y negro y laboratorio color.

Desde 2012, dos obras mías cuelgan en una oficina en Charleston, Carolina del Sur, Estados Unidos.

Me especializo en la técnica de collage como vehículo de expresión personal pero también para ilustrar notas de revistas o coberturas en redes sociales.


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